APA-href package
This is a slightly tweaked version of the APA style that is provided with biblatex (biblatex-apa
). This package is just a collection of code snippets available online, with minor modifications. The hyperlinks work both with the authoryear
citestyle, as with apa's own citestyle.
- The main feature is that
links now include the author names. I got most of the code from this source. - A 'possessive cite' command,
, that supports multiple years. - Small style tweaks for the bibliography (with the option
): new style for incollection, 'editors' in small-caps, new style for thesis, new format for page numbers.
Here is a small example of what your preamble would look like:
\documentclass{article} \usepackage[american]{babel} \usepackage[backend=biber,style=apa,% citestyle=authoryear,uniquename=false]{biblatex} \usepackage[colorlinks=true,allcolors=red]{hyperref} \usepackage{apahref} \addbibresource{my.bib} \begin{document}
Download apahref.sty.